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Modified Starch

Modified starch processing lines
To meet the interest from the market Larsson Starch Technology also supply modified starch processing lines. We supply traditional lines for chemical slurry modification as well as state of the art technology for dry modification of starch. Our scope is fitted to your specifications of capacity, quality of end product, workers’ safety and environmental issues.

We cover a wide range of different types of modification of starch. Hydrolysation, oxidation, cross-linking, substitution, ether- and esterification are well-known ways of chemical modification of starch. Larsson Starch Technology can offer everything from engineering to turnkey plants.

A typical scope involves the following:

Storage tanks for chemicals

Typical chemicals to store are different types of acids, alkalis and reagents. The design is individual and special according to the properties of each chemical due to toxicity, flammability and corrosivity.

Dosing system for chemicals

The dosing system includes pumps and measuring equipment for accurate dosing of each chemical.

Mixing units

It is of greatest importance to mix the chemicals with the starch powder or slurry. Poor mixing gives low yield and irregular quality of the starch. Special designed powder/liquid mixers or agitators are used.

Reactor tank or silo

Reactors are designed according to building layout, type of chemical modification and cost efficiency. They include sensors for measuring temperature, pH and level. For dry modification process the reactor is specially designed to get a ”plug-flow” through the tank. By working on the principle of ”first in first out” it gives the possibility to achieve a completely continuous process instead of a batch process.

Washing unit

After chemical modification of starch slurries the starch is washed out of impurities like salts and by-products formed during the chemical reaction. We design individually for each project a multi hydro cyclone unit for this purpose. The unit includes sensors and control valves to optimize the washing efficiency.

Conditioning unit

For a dry modification process the starch has to be conditioned after the chemical reaction. It involves steps like cooling, drying, milling, metal separation and sieving to reach the final specification of the starch. We design individually for each project and type of product the equipment to be used.